Equality and Equity are NOT the same

Equality vs. Equity Bikes

This image from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation describes the difference between equality and equity. With equality, all people are given the same bicycle regardless of their different needs. With equity, each person is given the bicycle that meets their specific needs. Simply speaking, equality means sameness, and equity means fairness and justice.

Featured Video

Complex Identities Video

This video presents important themes that emerged in remote interviews conducted by the Indiana Disability History Project. Interviewees describe the experience of having a disability while also being a member of a marginalized race or ethnicity.

Indiana Disability History

First-hand accounts of the disability rights movement and the experiences of Hoosiers with disabilities

We invite you to explore more videos about disabiity in Indiana by visiting the exhibits at our Indiana DIsability History project. Since 2015, the Center has been collecting accounts of Hoosiers with disabilities and their supporters to document and preserve their memories and experiences, highlighting historic developments in the Indiana disability rights movement.

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