Cecilia Pohs Buckley is a research associate with the Center on Community Living and Careers (CCLC) at Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Buckley’s background in disability spans over twenty years and includes eleven years as a vocational rehabilitation counselor in Indiana and Wisconsin, as well as mental health counseling, crisis management, case management, residential services provision, employment training, and teaching in a variety of public and private settings. Additionally, she worked as an associate researcher for the Wisconsin Center for Education Research in the area of systemic reform. Areas of interest and specialization include services for people with brain injuries, vision impairments, autism, and mental health diagnoses.
Buckley holds a Bachelor of Social Work degree from Northeastern State University and a Master of Science in Counseling Psychology from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Personal Statement
I have a deep passion for the right of persons with disabilities to live and work in integrated settings and make informed choices about their lives. I view my role at the Institute as a way to affect systemic improvement that will have a direct and positive impact on the quality of life of persons with disabilities in Indiana.
Research Interests
Quality competitive employment and community living for all persons with disabilities including those with intersecting identities and other minority statuses.