Ronald A. Olson has served as Chief of the Michigan Parks and Recreation Division, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, since 2005 where he directs and oversees the state park system that consists of 103 diverse state parks and recreation areas, 138 state forest campgrounds, 300,000 acres of land, and hosts 35 million visitations annually, including 5 million at Belle Isle Park. Ron has also served as Director in Ann Arbor, Michigan and other jurisdictions in Maryland, Indiana and Minnesota.
He has served on the Board of Regents and instructor for the National Parks and Recreation Supervisor Management School, served on the Board of the National Association of State Park Directors and as a Regent and instructor for the NASPD State Park Leadership School, and has presented numerous educational sessions at the NRPA national conference, Michigan and other states' Park and Recreation Association conferences and training institutes.
Ron earned his bachelor's degree in recreation and park administration at the University of Minnesota and his master's degree from Indiana University. He is active in the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), the National Association of State Park Directors (NASPD), and a member of the American Academy of Park and Recreation Professionals (AAPRA). Ron served as President of the Michigan Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) and is past president and one of the founders of the MRPA Foundation.
Ronald A. Olson