Select from any of the filters below to find resources available from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism.
To search across all center collections at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC), visit the IIDC resources page.
Select from any of the filters below to find resources available from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism.
To search across all center collections at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC), visit the IIDC resources page.
Our articles provide thoughtful discussions and practical recommendations on a wide range of topics, including behavior, sensory programming, education, communication, and other issues.
Family Support Webinar videos are available in this section. Soon we plan to add how-to videos that demonstrate creating activities from items in your home, classroom or can be purchased from discount stores.
Our visual supports are designed to help you or your child at home, in the classroom, and in many other situations. We've provided them in accessible documents that typically can be modified and customized to fit the needs of your specific situations.
We are continuing to improve and develop our collection of visual supports, so check back regularly.
We also curate a collection of visual supports and resources on Pinterest at
We provide information about financial resources to support an individual and/or family member with ASD.
We also round up resources for individuals and/or family member with ASD in Indiana, with specific links to state agencies and organizations.
Below is a link to the Career Roadmap for Students on the Spectrum. We hope you and your students will find it a helpful resource to aid their career development planning.
The Indiana Disability History website, curated by the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, documents and preserves the memories and experiences of Hoosiers with disabilities, highlighting historic developments in the disability rights movement.
The website uses video, audio, and digital technology to raise awareness of the contributions of movement leaders and pioneers as well as people trying to live ordinary lives. These advocates include both Hoosiers with disabilities and their supporters. They are community activists, family members, educators, professional service providers, public officials, and legislators.
The website offers online exhibits featuring a collection of oral history interviews in video format, with accompanying transcripts, descriptive data, and historical background information. This first-hand testimony illuminates the role of advocacy, and resulting changes in public policy, in the evolution of service provision and cultural attitudes towards people with disabilities.
Indiana Disability History Website
We act in solidarity with our Black colleagues, family, and friends.
In an organization as large as the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC), we have multiple perspectives and ideas, but we share a commitment to seeking and demanding equity for marginalized communities.
The Indiana Institute on Disability and Community has a full-service lending library with a wide variety of resources about disabilities across the lifespan. Regardless of where you live, we are happy to lend our materials to you through the mail or to help you find the answers you need.
We’re open weekdays from 8:00 to 11:30 am and 12:30 to 4:15 pm ET.
For those with disabilities and their families, trying to navigate a complex web of services, programs, and other disability-related community resources can be daunting. FINDER provides 24/7 access to community services, is easy to use, and supports first-time users with a step-by-step guide. For more experienced users, it has advanced search features. Regardless of how information is located, search results are immediately available, and can be saved for future use and shared.
2810 E Discovery Parkway
Bloomington IN 47408
812-855-9630 (fax) Sitemap
Director: Rebecca S. Martínez, Ph.D., HSPP
The IRCA Reporter is filled with useful information for individuals, families and professionals.