Additional Resources
IRCA E-Newsletter
The IRCA Reporter E-Newsletter is filled with useful information for individuals, families and professionals.
We disseminate articles, workshop information and other news via this email newsletter. The Reporter E-Newsletter is your connection to learning about the many resources IRCA offers.
There is no charge for this email subscription.
Subscribe to Our E-Newsletter
FINDER is an online tool specifically designed to connect people with disability-related programs, services, and supports in their local community anywhere in Indiana 24/7. It’s FREE and can create a customized list of resources based on a person’s unique situation and needs. FINDER is easy to use. It can support first-time users with a step-by-step guide, or for those more experienced users, it has advanced search features. Regardless of how information is located, search results are immediately available, can be saved for future use and shared.
Engage with FINDER
The IIDC Library
The Indiana Institute on Disability and Community has a full service lending library that provides a wide variety of resources about disabilities across the lifespan.
Learn more about the library