Employment Services: Information for Providers

Information for Indiana's Community Employment Providers

Documentation, Forms, Guidance

Indiana's employment specialists and other community employment provider personnel work with Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation on implementation of the state's Employment Services Model for job seekers who have disabilities. The tools and forms listed below are for their reference and use.

Find additional forms, documentation, and the VR Employment Services Manual on the Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation website

You'll also find links to past webinars, workshops, and trainings on our Past Training and Materials page

Shared Solutions: The Blog for Indiana Employment Specialists

Employment specialists, Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, and other employment professionals need resources and tools to help them implement the Indiana Employment Services Model. Shared Solutions is a resource blog from the Employment Technical Assistance Team at the Center on Community Living and Careers. Each post features information about a particular aspect of community employment, planning charts, videos, promising practices, and more. 

Read Shared Solutions


Under order of selection, Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) must first serve the most significantly disabled (MSD). That means that many job seekers on your caseload will be individuals designated as MSD and may benefit from customized employment. It’s vital then that, as an employment specialist (ES) or VR counselor, you understand what customized employment is... Read more »

By Sarah Geis, senior director of engagement, The Arc of Indiana Financial planning for someone with a disability is crucial for their future success. Saving for the future is important for everyone, but people with disabilities face additional hurdles of saving without impacting benefits like Medicaid and Social Security. This process can be complex because... Read more »

Living with a disability brings many daily considerations that a person must prioritize. Too often people place financial planning toward the bottom of the list when considering long-term or short-term needs. A multitude of reasons can cause this, including the intimidating and challenging nature of financial planning due to a person’s limited resources or knowledge... Read more »