The Center on Community Living and Careers offers training for Indiana middle and high school teachers who need information, resources, and assessments for their students preparing to transition to employment or postsecondary education and planning to live in their communities. Training is offered through CCLC's Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center (INSTRC).
INSTRC Training InformationThe Transition to Life After High School
Transition Portfolio Trainings for Teachers
Transition Portfolios are a relatively new tool in the transition toolboxes of Indiana's secondary teachers and administrators. To explore how portfolios are used and how they can be helpful for transition-age students as they plan for employment, CCLC's Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center (INSTRC) led a series topic-based webinars in spring 2022.
To watch the archived webinars, visit the Transition Portfolio Training page on the INSTRC website.
INSTRC is a project of IIDC's Center on Community Living and Careers.

The Transition Miniseries
A Transition Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the plan that takes students with disabilities from high school to their lives, living, working, and participating in their communities. The Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center, a project of the Center on Community Living and Careers, offers an online training course to transition teachers and administrators as well as members of the public.
The 13-module Transition Miniseries presents the structure and components of a quality Transition IEP and the cyclical, aligned transition planning process. The course can be taken as a whole or in individual modules:
- Transition Miniseries Introduction
- Student Involvement
- Transition IEP: Introduction
- Transition IEP: Present Levels of Function Performance
- Transition IEP: Transition Assessments and Postsecondary Goals
- Transition IEP: Transition Services and Activities
- Transition IEP: Annual Goals
- Transition IEP: Alignment/ Conclusion
- Transition Portfolios
- Transition Programs within Schools
- Adult Services
- Transition Miniseries Conclusion and Resources
The Miniseries runs year-round with no time limit or expiration date. INSTRC awards a certificate of completion to participants documenting course contact hours, redeemable for up to 21 Professional Growth Points.
To enroll, follow the login and sign-up instructions: